Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jittery nerves, jelly brains.

Trinity College interview tomorrow. Can't make the same mistake in JPA, over everything else, gonna do myself justice this time.

My butt deserves a seat in Cambridge's lecture hall, booyah!! <--conceit

-Interview was so-so. Didn't exactly do well, bleh. Can't answer him when he asked "what is the 1st derivative", thought it was something different, mana tau the answer is just "gradient". *pokes eyez* Then he ran out of questions cuz I haven't covered some topics yet, so he asked me if my parents have the money to send me to Cambridge. *facepalm*

-He asked me to prove why the age of the universe is always less than the reciprocal of the hubble constant, given some conditions. *i reached lalaland*

-Gave me triangle and asked me the length of the base given height and gradient. Messed up before I got it right.

-Mixed up convex and concave graphs.

-Required assistance to draw a simple graph.

Lol walaoeh, ke-noob-an to the max. Oh well, TSA and essay next.

PS: I hate interviews. Dealing with people is a pain, why not just a pen and paper?

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